X JAPANのYOSHIKIが、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大で外出自粛が続く中、「少しでもみんなの為に何か出来ることがないか」という思いから、4月23日にオフィシャルブログを開設した。
・YOSHIKI「心が痛い」コロナ騒動に悲痛 医療機関に1000万円寄付
This is Yoshiki and this is my official Ameba Blog.
While most people are practicing self restraint… “#StayHome”, I have been thinking
if there is anything I can do to help. So I have decided to open this blog for the
time being (a limited period).
Using this blog, I will start new online English lessons.
Due to the effects of the new coronavirus, there are international people living in Japan who are going through difficult times as well as many Japanese people who are having difficulties overseas.
I hope that these new English lessons can be useful for people who are struggling.
【トークイベント付き】『スイート・イースト 不思議の国のリリアン』試写会に20名様をご招待!
応募締め切り: 2025.02.26 -
応募締め切り: 2025.03.13